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Automatic Money Glitch


2018 was the year I discovered that there was a simple formula to making money online (or anywhere)…

And once I had discovered it, I couldn’t believe no one had ever told me about it before…

But more important than that formula (which I will give you)…

Was understanding what money really is.

You see, money isn’t something you get or keep or have…

It’s something that moves.

It’s just the movement of value in a marketplace.

And that’s extremely important to understand…

Because it’s created to travel from person to person…

Not sit in an account…

Not sit in a wallet…

Not collect dust on a table…

The FLOW of money is more important than the possession of it.

When you control the flow of money, you win.

Now for the simple formula…

Long-Term Returns > Short-Term Expenses

You need to find a medium or vehicle that allows you to…

Spend $1 and make back $2 or more.

Most people make two MISTAKES when it comes to this:

1) They think only one transaction at a time.

But the problem is that most of the money that comes back to you will be in secondary or tertiary transactions.

So if you only focus on primary transactions, you’re less likely to realize the full return on the money you’ve spent.

Instead of focusing on 1:1 transactions (I spent $1 and they paid me $1)…

Focus on multiple transactions (I spent $1 and they paid me $1, then paid me $2, then paid me $5).

2) They think in short timeframes.

In order to have multiple transactions from your customers…

You have to spend time with them.

The biggest returns come LATER, not NOW.

This is the one thing that allowed me to make 1,000x more money than most of the teachers and coaches out there.

I was willing to spend $150 to get a $50/month customer…

Because I knew that the LIFETIME VALUE of the customer was larger.

If they stay 6 months on average, that’s $300…

And if 1 out of 3 customers also buy other offers…

That’s further increases the average customer lifetime value.

Sometimes they buy $500 offers, $2,000 offers, even $10,000 and $30,000 offers…

And that’s where the real money is made.

So instead of focusing on short-term, direct 1:1 transactions and making your money back immediately…

You need to focus on a longer timeframe that allows you to collect more money over time.

And to do this, you need patience.

Once you’ve cracked the code and understand how to generate $2, $5, or $100 for every $1 you spend…

You aren’t “getting customers” - you are “buying customers”.

You only need to buy a customer once… but you keep selling to them again and again.

And then your only limits are the systems you’ve built inside your business.

This is how you build a money machine that prints cash for you day after day…

It’s the ultimate automatic money glitch in today’s world.

Christopher Huntley



P.S. I can help you create this system in your business. Book a call and I'll show you how: click here.

P.P.S. You can get the $10k Club™ book here.