Do Less, Make More

Hey business builder,
You are most likely doing TOO MUCH and that’s stopping you from selling…
A few days ago I talked to a nice lady who is building an online education company but…
She has been at it for over a year and has only enrolled a few students.
When I asked about her offer…
She included everything and the kitchen sink.
Everything she could think of…
Everything anyone had ever told her they wanted was in there.
And she did that to make it work for everyone.
The thing is…
When it’s for everyone… it’s for no one.
And it’s a problem lots of teachers and coaches have.
They try to solve EVERYONE’S PROBLEMS.
Instead, you need to solve SOMEONE’S PROBLEMS.
What I mean is you need to solve a problem for one person.
There will be other people like that one person…
That’s your target audience.
That’s your ICP (ideal customer profile).
That’s your client avatar.
And the best part of making this switch…
You include less, work less, do less…
And it benefits those specific people even MORE.
Yes, less is more.
Because when you include everything, it’s harder for your customers.
They want simple steps that get them big results.
The simpler you make, the better.
And oftentimes simple means smaller.
I’m guilty of this too…
When I created the Business Catalyst I included every step I took from $2k to $2M.
Every training was 2 to 3 hours long.
People told me it was great, but it was overwhelming.
So when I made the second version…
I made it SMALLER.
I split those trainings into short 10-minute and 15-minutes videos.
And I added worksheets that reiterated what was taught.
Because the point isn’t to make people take lots of steps…
It’s to make them take THE RIGHT STEPS.
When I made the third version of the Business Catalyst I didn’t add anything.
I just made what was there BETTER.
And you can do that too.
Here’s my process:
STEP 1: Make a product outline that includes EVERYTHING you think should be there.
STEP 2: Remove all the stuff that isn’t 100% NECESSARY for them to get the result.
STEP 3: Give the outline to someone you trust who can be truthful…
Who won’t worry about hurting your feelings…
And ask them to remove everything they think is UNNECESSARY.
Then you take that outline and split it into sections that make logical sense…
And you put them in chronological order based on which steps they need to do first.
But the most important step is the last one:
Nothing is set in stone.
Your offer, product, service, etc. are not tattooed on your business.
They aren’t permanent.
So you can always improve them to be more effective.
And so often that means condensing what you’ve included.
That’s what I shared on the call and I hope it helps you too.
If you haven’t booked a call with me to review your business…
Click Here And Grab A Time For A 15-Minute Call With Me:
I won’t hold anything back. Promise.
To your success,
P.S. You can get the $10k Club™ book here.