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English Teaching Market

market innovation online english teaching

The hilarious argument that the online English teaching space is oversaturated:

In the job-hunting space it goes something like this: Lots of teachers want high-paying jobs. Not many organizations offer them. Thus, everyone is vying for the same positions.

Then they go to iTalki or other platforms and they see thousands of teachers trying to get the same students and prices that look way too low and way too high all in one place. Most teachers decide to price their services either A) in the middle to be “competitive” ; or B) very low to undercut the competition.

Then they try to get their own students… and you see all the garbage they post in groups and other places. They push and push and end up working more and earning less than if they had just taught for someone else.

Sad, right?

So why do you think and do those things?

And why do I get hundreds and sometimes thousands of NEW students every month? (90 new students per day at one point) And how can I spend zero hours delivering lessons, yet bring in five or six figures of profit every month?

The truth is that the market is undersaturated. The number of people who need to learn English grows much faster than the number of people providing solutions.

And when you look at who provides solutions, it becomes even clearer. Because most teachers aren’t providing solutions… they’re just repeating information from a book or a training course… and they are stuck in the old ways of doing things.

So you’ve got organizations providing solutions and teachers taking/following orders. It’s fast-food English: they teach you how to flip the lesson plan, add the onions, throw it between two buns, and serve it to customers who they think are “lovin it”.

They don’t teach you how to find the students. They don’t teach you how to position your offer so you get more students and more revenue. They don’t tell you about the overhead and tools and staff expenses.

And why would they? Then you would make the money and they wouldn’t.

That’s the difference. As long as you stick to the old way of being a teacher, you’ll get cut out of the real money in this industry. You have to evolve into something more than a teacher.

The only reason it feels like the market is oversaturated is because everybody is doing the same thing. You can overcome this with innovation.

The teachers I know - the ones who stopped working for others and learned the very simple skills of working for themselves - they’ve gone on to sell offers that are unique and give them back a competitive advantage.

I gave them a formula to follow and explained how they can use online tools to reach thousands of students and basically pick which ones they want to work with. So they are in control of their time, which is true freedom.

To your success,

Christopher Huntley


P.S. You can get the $10k Club™ book here.