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How to Quickly Persuade Someone to Get Your Offer

  1. Attention - you have to make them pay attention. This doesn't necessarily have to be directly related to what you offer, it just needs to "stop the scroll" and grab their attention for a couple seconds. (This is why so many companies use sexy women to grab the attention of men... and other women. Same reason they use guys with great bodies with their shirts off. Same reason people say ridiculous things that don't make sense... it makes you stop and try to figure out what the hell is going on. Some people use visuals of something weird or gross or intriguing. Example: Image of five tall guys standing next to five short guys with the caption "The secret is in their spine." --- What does that even mean? ATTENTION)
  2. What's important to the user viewing the ad? What will get them to learn more and take action? You have to be different from everything else they've seen/heard/know. Example: Selling men's underwear: "Your shorts are poisoning you and giving you cancer." ; "Polyester is bad for your balls." Talking about what's important to them will either be about PAIN or GAIN. The two examples I gave were about PAIN. For people trying to make more money online you might see something like: "Do this and you will make 15% more from your ads." GAIN.
  3. (optional - but great to have) What's a bad experience they had in the past? If you are offering a GAIN offer, tell them how they'll gain it WITHOUT doing something they don't want to do or WITHOUT having a painful experience they've had in the past. For PAIN offers, you can tell them about additional benefits they want that they will also get by not having the pain.
  4. Verify - after we have their attention and offer GAIN or escape from PAIN, we have to get them to believe us. If you're offering them something that they really really want and that would really improve their life, then it's easy to get them to want it, but you have to also prove to them that it works and your promise is true. Here you use testimonials, studies, famous people suggesting your offer. If you just tell people what it will do, then it doesn't work as well. You have to SHOW them that it already works for people. Who do they trust? Give them testimonials from those people. What will instantly make them believe? Show them those studies and proof that it works.
  5. Time-sensitive reason to take action now. This could be "This price is increasing soon." or "You are losing money every day that you don't do this." or "This price is only available today." They need a reason to click RIGHT NOW. And you need to tell them MULTIPLE TIMES to click, click, click, click, click.
  6. The downside - What's going to happen if they don't click and they don't take action? What's the worst-case scenario? "The only downside is that you might only make your money back. The upside is that you could make 100x more money." or "Every day that you wear normal underwear you are poisoning your body more, which is the opposite of why you're going to the gym in the first place."

This is a step-by-step process. You must do the first step before you do the next steps.

Final Note: Having extremely powerful guarantees in your offer is the one of the greatest hacks you can include. The reason this works is because it eliminates their risk. People don't buy things when they think it's risky.

To your success,
Christopher Huntley

P.S. You can get the $10k Club™ book here.