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Know Your Role: How To Make More In This Industry

acquisition business evolution

In this industry success is directly connected to how many offers you make and at what price.

Everybody wants to make more without doing more. If nobody knows you exist… and you rarely make offers… you’re not going to make much.

So why would you think you’re going to make as much as someone who makes hundreds or thousands of offers per day? And it’s not just the offer itself, but where it’s placed. If you’re making offers to lizards in your backyard, the only thing you’re getting is salmonella.

The simple truth: you need to get more eyeballs on your offers if you want to sell more. But you already knew that.

If you already know that… what are you doing about it?

One of the things I do in broccoli plus and with my private clients is I will help you set up your own customer acquisition machine.

And when you’ve got new paying customers joining every day, you’ll see how true this is:

There are students actively looking for someone who does exactly what you do… but they can’t find you.

So another part of my work is to increase awareness of the product.

When operating in a highly mature market where the population is mostly problem-aware, gaining solution awareness is my focus for your program. Because that’s what creates purchases.

If you have 100 people who are problem-aware, and only 2 of them learn about your solution, you have a 2% chance of making a sale BEFORE you’ve even made the offer!!! Wtf

You’ve already eliminated 98% of the market. Why?

That’s what most in our industry do. I can’t blame them… that’s the only example they see.

But the world has seriously changed in the last 5 years. Not just COVID, AI, political leanings, wealth gap, etc. Society’s relationship to technology has shifted and the rift between online and offline has nearly vanished.

And that means you’ve lost the competitive advantage you spent the last 10+ years building.

But you didn’t lose it because of something you did. You lost it because the world changed and more people have access to tools that can do what you did.

You lost your moat. The part of your business that protected you from the competition.

And now you are judged based on new criteria: can you evolve to the next level or will you stay stuck in the past?

Ultimately, this is your choice to make. It’s about choosing your role.

Very many people in our industry will stay stuck in the past, holding onto the things that make them comfortable. They are going to whine and complain about the tech, the money, the attention spans, but they aren’t going to change.

You can.

Think about this: the only reason a person gets stuck making a teacher’s salary is because they never evolve into something more than a teacher.

If you want something more, and you are here and reading this post so you do, you have to become more. That’s why I don’t give magic formulas or stuff like that when we have our weekly calls. There’s no magic to it. Instead I help you think differently and find the answer yourself - so you don’t have to rely on me. My answers to you won’t make you act. Your answers to yourself will.

It’s inside of you and all you need to do is add in the right skills and knowledge and you can play whatever role you want. Just remember, different roles make different amounts of dough, so choose your role wisely.

To your success,

- Christopher Huntley


P.S. You can get the $10k Club™ book here.