Stories You NEED For Business

- Company Story: This describes how, but mostly WHY the company was founded.
- The origin of the company, focusing on the circumstances or experiences that led to its founding.
- The core mission or purpose behind the company, emphasizing the "why" more than the "how".
- Any challenges or obstacles overcome during the early stages of the company's development.
- How the company's existence benefits or fills a gap in the market.
- Personal Story: This describes who you are, but mostly WHY you are passionate about what you do.
- Background information about the individual, highlighting relevant experiences or influences.
- Key moments or experiences that ignited their passion for their work.
- The individual's motivations and goals within their industry or field.
- A connection between the individual's personal journey and the company's mission.
- Key Personnel Story: This describes who the key person is, WHY they are passionate about what they do, and WHY they can be trusted to get results.
- Background and expertise of the key personnel, showcasing their journey in the industry.
- The reasons behind their passion for their role within the company.
- Demonstrations of their commitment to achieving results and contributing to the company's success.
- How their values and vision align with the company's overall mission.
- Insight Story: This demonstrates how you learned something useful that solved a problem, and it positions the product as the solution.
- A specific problem or challenge faced by the company or within the industry.
- The process of discovering or learning a significant insight that led to a solution.
- How this insight was applied to develop or improve a product or service.
- The impact of this solution on the company, its customers, or the industry.
- Values Story: This demonstrates how you stand up for your values, and deepens brand identity and trust.
- Concrete examples of how the company has upheld its core values in the face of challenges.
- The impact of these actions on the company, its stakeholders, or the community.
- How the company's commitment to its values differentiates it from competitors.
- The role of the company's values in shaping its decisions and strategies.
To your success,