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A Life-Changing and Empowering Experience | Teacher Stories

teacher stories

Zacharia tells us about starting his own language teaching business and why he decided to go this route. Zacharia joined the Teaching Business Catalyst training program and got life-changing results within a month of joining. He talks about it in this video. Here's what he says:

Hello, hello, hello, hello, hello! Hi guys! So, my name is Zacharia Botha. I am from South Africa. I'm a professional actor. I'm also a professional teacher of English as a foreign language. I like Shakespeare. And right now what am I busy with? I'm mastering my market, mastering my niche, and generating and closing on leads.

I've decided to take part in this wonderful opportunity and take part in creating my own business with the help of Christopher Huntley, or as you guys know him Kris Amerikos. Prior to deciding to do this program I was in South Africa auditioning, getting my TEFL certification, because I wanted to go overseas and I wanted to become a teacher of English as a foreign language. So, long story short, in that six months I met Kris and, as he says, you can contact him any time. I contacted him and the next day we had our Skype session. And he was in the process of not only equipping me with the skills to look for a job, but also from his side and with his vast network helped my find a job. And while we were busy with that also prepping me for the job. So, that was a value already that I was getting from Kris and his program.

And all the while I got to know him better and, you know, we are very good friends right now and he is an absolutely stellar mentor and he is an expert. And I mean he is an expert at teaching English, at running businesses, and at helping you find your potential. And I've joined his business program and it's had a life-changing experience for me. And I'm not shitting you guys - it is challenging, it is rough. Personally, it makes you ask questions that you never thought you'd ask to yourself. But, for me, and for everyone that takes part in this, it will empower you in ways that you cannot imagine. It will open the ways you think about teaching English as a foreign language business, but not only that business, but any and every kind of business.

This program is just not for how to create your own online business or offline business or ESL business. This program is about how to create your business, how to master your market and your niche, how to generate leads and close leads, how to create those systems in place. And the crazy, brilliant, beautiful thing is Kris has already created the material necessary for us to learn from it and it's in a clear, enunciated, practical way that he goes step-by-step helping you through that to get you to where you want to get your business or how to start your business.

And the most important thing that I've taken out of all of this right now, and that I try to work on myself, is that the key is believing in my abilities to do everything that I can, that I can figure it out, and also to be the brand, to be that successful person that I envision myself to be in the next year and the next ten years. So, not only is this program something that can help your business grow or help you discover what you can offer for the broad massive market of wealth that is out there, but it also offers you the opportunity to get to know yourself and also who you want to be.

My name is Zacharia Botha. I'm a professional actor. I'm a teacher of English as a foreign language. And I believe that I have the ability, I know that I have the ability to figure it out and that's how I'm going to leave it. And you guys, I recommend that you guys try this out. Hit him up. He'll respond and he's got a lovely team that works for him that will help you out. I wish you all to find what you're looking for! Alright guys. Peace and love.